Sunday, July 22, 2018

Extreme Fools

   I was going to write my review of WWE Extreme Rules last Sunday.  Overall, I didn't really think much of it.  Up until the last match, my plan was to do a review of the show and talk about the good and bad about the show.  However, it was during the last match that I changed my approach going into this blog.  In what was sure to be the match of the night, it was decided that the Iron Man Match for the Intercontinental Title between Dolph Ziggler and Seth Rollins would headline Extreme Rules.  Very rarely does the Intercontinental Title main event a show, but it makes sense when your top Champion never shows up.  But that's neither here nor there!  I was really enjoying the match and then something happened that usually only happens when a bad match is taking place.  The fans!  

   Since it was an Iron Man Match, there was a clock counting down until the 30 minutes were up.  The man with the most victories would be the winner.  At first, what went down was somewhat amusing to me.  When it was close to a minute ending, the fans counted down from ten seconds out as if they were awaiting a Royal Rumble entrant.  When the next minute arrived, the fans made the sound the buzzer makes when a Royal Rumble entrant comes out.  The first couple of times, I found it amusing, but figured it would stop shortly.  How wrong I was!  The fans kept doing it several times over and it was really taking away from the match.  A fantastic match was taking place in front of this Pittsburgh crowd and they couldn't care less!  I just don't understand it!  It got downright disrespectful!  In a decision that was intended on defusing the situation, WWE took the digital clock away.  However, fans still continued to do it.  Now it made even less sense because they weren't even counting down an actual minute anymore.  People were doing just to do it.  A day later, people were notified about a conversation of frustration between Ziggler and Rollins happening in the ring, with one superstar stating it was even worse without the clock.  

   This kind of thing gives fans a bad name.  I'm watching this, thinking, "what match are you watching?  It's not like it was a boring match or a bad match.  It was a great match with two quality ring technicians, especially the way the sequence of the first several falls went down.  It was brilliantly booked!  I'll say it again!  What the fans in the arena did was completely disrespectful!  Fans always complain about not getting what they want.  They finally get it and they still complain! I'm also talking about the idiots that paid all this money only to play with a beach ball during other recent Pay-Per-Views.  I don't understand throwing your money away like that!  Even if I'm not enjoying the match, I'll still sit there to get my money's worth!  It's bad enough when fans do this kind of thing during a Roman Reigns match, but this really takes the cake!  There is such a thing as being disrespectful to wrestlers.  These men and women work hard, travel constantly, and get hurt just to entertain the fans and what do these fans do in return?  

   Watching a match at home is different from watching live at the arena.  Part of the experience of me watching at home is how the crowd is reacting.  People have the right to boo or cheer for whatever but this was going too far.  It took away from my experience watching this match.  I can definitely understand the frustration and anger that Ziggler and Rollins must have felt.  I'm sure everyone in the back was pissed as well!  The way these fans acted was totally uncalled for!  That's why this blog is dedicated to these people that claim to be fans.  This crowd will live on in infamy and I will now refer to them as Extreme Fools!

 If you have any further thoughts on this topic, let me know in comments.  Heck, let us all know on The WAR Report podcast, every Tuesday at 7PM EST on YouTube, brought to you by, the first and only dating site for wrestling fans.  Go to or #askthewarreport.  For TagMeADate members, our Android and Apple apps are vastly approaching so stay tuned!

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