Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Is the Undertaker Done? Should He Be Done?

   For years now, rumors have been swirling about the Undertaker's impending retirement.  Some feel it should have happened years ago, some feel the day he lost his streak should have been the time, and some feel that when it does happen, WWE will make a big deal of it.  Here's what I'm trying to get at!  Is it necessary at this point for the Undertaker to have a match at WrestleMania.  It's been up in the air as far as his readiness to compete.  He's been long rumored to face John  Cena this year and as we've seen during Cena's struggle to get on the Road To WrestleMania, it might be where they're going.

   I feel that the Undertaker is finished and there's no reason for him to have a match this year.  Last year, he suffered his second loss at WrestleMania to Roman Reigns in seemingly a passing of the torch encounter.  Taker left his gear in the ring and left, kissed his wife, and went back up the ramp, only to be seen on Raw's 25th Anniversary special.  If that doesn't say retirement, then what was the point of all that.  Whether he won or lost last year, the symbolism of what he did tells me he's done.  Why do all that and then wrestle again?  Also, let's be honest!  You know Cena would be going over.  I personally feel that the Undertaker's streak should never have ended, but that's neither here nor there.  As of yesterday, another rumored opponent this year for Cena would be Rey Misterio, which I would be fine with.

    With the way things ended last year, I just don't see the point in the Undertaker wrestling again.  Don't get me wrong; I love the Undertaker!  I just feel like it's time.  They missed the boat on Undertaker vs. Sting and besides, Sting is retired now, anyway.  If Sting was going to lose at his first and only WrestleMania, it should have been against the Undertaker at WrestleMania 31.  Triple H did not need that win but that's for another topic altogether.  An Undertaker/Cena match, while definitely WrestleMania worthy, just doesn't seem as satisfying now as it would have years ago.  After all, the Undertaker wrestled Kane twice, Shawn Michaels twice, and Triple H three times and you can't tell me they couldn't have used one of those times for a match against Cena.  

   After Taker's loss to Brock Lesnar at WrestleMania 30, I completely lost interest in the Undertaker's matches at WrestleMania.  Once the streak was over, there was nothing to look forward to.  His match against Bray Wyatt was disappointing.  His match against Shane McMahon did not make any sense, and his match with Roman Reigns, though it ended the show, was forgettable to me.  The point is, how much clearer could it have been for us to realize the Undertaker may in fact be done.  There are those that say why have Cena bring up Taker's name if it's not going to happen?   They say, why tease it?  I say to that, nothing was teased!  Cena said he wanted to challenge the Undertaker but  quickly mentioned that it's not in the cards.  How was that a tease?

   The Undertaker is and always will be one of my favorites of all time.  If he does wrestle Cena, I'm indifferent at this point.  It's always cool to see his entrance.  If Goldberg wasn't headlining this year's Hall of Fame, I bet the Undertaker would have.  Maybe that's next year!  One of these days, he's going in.  At the end of the day, it's the man's decision and he has earned the right to do whatever he feels is the best option.  If he decides to wrestle again, I'll respect his wishes.  If he is done, I'll respect that decision as well.  He's earned respect no matter what he does.  My point is, the way he left his gear in the ring last year couldn't have been a more perfect ending for his career.  The fact is, we still don't know what is going on.  Though signs do point to Cena vs. Taker, nothing is final as of yet.  However, it is interesting to see Cena go through this phase, where's he's losing left and right, getting desperate, and acting a little entitled.  What do you think of it all?

If you have any further thoughts on this topic, let me know in comments.  Heck, let us all know on The WAR Report podcast, every Tuesday at 7PM EST on YouTube, brought to you by, the first and only dating site for wrestling fans.  Go to or #askthewarreport.  For TagMeADate members, our Android and Apple apps are vastly approaching so stay tuned!

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