Friday, January 19, 2018

2010 Royal Rumble Thoughts

  2010 was a pretty good Royal Rumble event over all.  The Rumble itself ended with a great win by a surprise return no one saw coming.  The Rumble also contained the second female wrestler to participate, big names, and CM Punk with a microphone.  There were some good matches and continuing angles as well.  To me, this was the last time the Rumble match itself had a good ending. The other future Rumbles were okay but muddled with nonsensical booking.  Being that this is a blog about 2010, I'll get back on course.

Pre-Show Match - Gail Kim, Kelly Kelly, Eve Torres, & Bella Twins vs. Maryse, Katie Lee Burchill, Jillian Hall, Alicia Fox, & Natalya
   I don't remember much here because the women's division at this point became the Diva's division and it was just a big mess.  The only two women who could wrestle in this match were Gail Kim and Natalya, who for some reason WWE decided to do nothing with.  Meanwhile, all the women who couldn't wrestle their way out of a paper bag were featured.  The first team mentioned above got the win in a completely forgettable match.  Thankfully, this was on the Pre-Show!  

ECW Title - Christian vs. Ezekial Jackson
   I enjoyed Christian's reign as ECW Champion for the brand.  ECW was coming to an end in just a month from here.  Despite his break away from The Brian Kendrick and his tutelage under William Regal, Ezekial Jackson was just a bland, run of the mill, big man.  Regal himself probably would have been a better opponent for Captain Charisma.  Christian retained here but Jackson defeated him for the Title the next month just as the ECW brand ended.  Christian did what he could to carry Jackson to a passable match.

US Title - The Miz vs. MVP
   Backstage, General Manager Teddy Long booked The Miz to defend his US Title against MVP.  The Miz had a lot of success at this time, as he was the reigning US Champion and was about to become a Tag Team Champion with the Big Show as his partner. MVP chased The Miz into the ring to get his hands on him.  Later on, The Miz defeated MVP with a small package to retain his US Championship.  However, it wasn't over yet between these two, as would prove later on during the Royal Rumble match.

WWE Title - Sheamus vs. Randy Orton
   There were two interesting things about this match.  One was the rare dynamic of heel vs. heel.  The other was the way the match ended, as it was bringing about the demise of Legacy.  It was a good, hard hitting match and could have gone either way. Despite not liking DQ endings in Title matches on major Pay-Per-Views, this one I can make an exception for.  Cody Rhodes attacked Sheamus, leading to a DQ.  However, Sheamus retained his Championship as a result. Orton was furious with Rhodes and attacked his protege.  Ted DiBiase Jr. ran out to ease the situation, only to be met with the same fate.  Taking advantage of an opportunity, Sheamus nailed Orton with a Brogue Kick and celebrated.

Women's Title - Michelle McCool vs. Mickie James
   WWE seemed to treat the women that could actually wrestle horribly by inserting them into humiliating angles. Meanwhile, it was obvious that looks were rewarded over ability.  Someone thought it was a good idea to mock Mickie James' weight, which by the way there was nothing wrong with.  Michelle McCool and her "bestie" Layla, together known as LayCool, called their foe "Piggy James."  Here, Layla even dressed up in a fat suit to mock her.  Fortunately, Mickie got the last laugh when McCool accidentally hit Layla.  Mickie won to become the new Women's Champion.  LayCool then got their just desserts with a cake to the face.

World Title - Undertaker vs. Rey Misterio
   This was a first, as neither man had faced one another before. Taker never had an opponent as quick as Rey, nor did Rey ever face a character quite like the Undertaker.  Despite being disadvantaged in height and weight, Rey gave everything he had.  The Undertaker was given much more of a fight than he expected. Taker tried to end the match with a Last Ride but Rey escaped.  Rey then executed a 619.  When Rey spring boarded off the ropes after his second 619, the Undertaker caught him, delivering a Last Ride.  Rey earned Taker's respect, which was the biggest take away from this match.
Royal Rumble Match
   The first two entrants were Dolph Ziggler and Evan Bourne.  They didn't last long as they were eliminated by number three, CM Punk.  From there, Punk got a microphone and started talking about how he would win the Rumble.  At this point, Punk was the leader of the Straight-Edge Society.  He made quick work of number four JTG but ran into a roadblock by the name of the Great Khali.  Punk pleaded with the seven-footer to join his cause and stalled as much as he could.

 History was made when the second woman ever entered the Royal Rumble, Beth Phoenix.  Khali scooped up Phoenix and placed her over the ropes on the ring apron and told her to leave. Phoenix then kissed Khali and somehow the momentum sent Khali over the top rope and eliminated.  Punk then hit Phoenix with the GTS and eliminated her.  Punk continued on his rant and disposed of number seven Zack Ryder.  It looked as if Punk might have a shot at winning. That all changed when number eight was revealed to be Triple H, who then dominated the Rumble from there on out.

  The ring then filled up with superstars, including Drew McIntyre, John Morrison, and Kane.  MVP made his way to the ring when he was attacked by The Miz.  MVP was taken away on a stretcher.  A few minutes later, The Miz entered the match.  Not long after, MVP ran to the ring and eliminated The Miz and himself, as the two men brawled towards the back.  Shawn Michaels then entered at number 18 and joined his DX buddy Triple H in disposing of the remaining Rumble participants.  The next entrant was none other than John Cena.  Cena went right for Triple H but Michaels saw an opportunity and sent his partner Triple H packing with a super kick, in one of the most surprising eliminations in Rumble history.

   The ring filled up again with the likes of Shelton Benjamin, Big Show, and Mark Henry.  Chris Jericho entered at number 28 and fought with Michaels and Cena.  The buzzer rang for number 29 and everyone was shocked when Edge made his return from injury.  He went right after his former partner Jericho, who sold him out after the injury.  Edge went crazy with spears left and right on Jericho, Michaels, and Cena.  Edge then eliminated Jericho as number 30 arrived, Batista! Batista immediately tossed out the Heartbreak Kid, only to be eliminated himself by Cena.  After eliminating Cena and winning, the Rated R Superstar celebrated.

   CM Punk's dominatation in the ring and on the mic got the match off to a great start.  Beth Phoenix became the second woman ever to enter a Rumble match.  Edge made a surprise return to win the whole thing.  These were all moments that contributed to an entertaining Royal Rumble.  The only flaw was the short entry times but other than that, not too shabby.  Mickie James got sweet revenge, Legacy was breaking up, and the Undertaker and Rey Misterio put on a show.  These were also factors that helped the Rumble.  

If you have any further thoughts on this topic, let me know in comments.  Heck, let us all know on The WAR Report podcast, every Tuesday at 7PM EST, brought to you by, the first and only dating site for wrestling fans.  Go to or #askthewarreport.  For TagMeADate members, our Android and Apple apps are vastly approaching so stay tuned!

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