Monday, January 15, 2018

The Chris Benoit Situation

   I know this is very touchy subject but recent comments have led me to write about this.  Someone created a poster of Chris Jericho, with Eddie Guerrero and Chris Benoit shown behind him.  Chris saw it and dedicated his recent match at WrestleKingdom12 against Kenny Omega to his fallen friends.  Ryan Satin, of dirt sheet fame, took it upon himself to bring up the events of the Benoit tragedy that took place over 10 years ago.  He basically blasted Jericho and fans alike for being okay with the poster and dwelling on what happened, something to the effect of Benoit being a murderer.

   Jericho responded by saying he’s devastated about that tragedy and still thinks about it all the time.  It doesn’t take away from the fact that Benoit was one of Jericho’s best friends in real life.  Can’t Jericho just mourn about the friend he lost?  Why bring all this up?  It’s not like everyone isn’t aware!  To that, I say to Mr. Satin, you can take your comment, turn the sumbitch sideways…oh hell, you know the rest!
   With all that being said, I’ve never formally spoke about my opinion of the events that went down.  Call me a conspiracy theorist but I’m not totally convinced things happened the way they were reported, especially considering what was reported changed several times and the investigation ended rather abruptly.  I’m not necessarily saying Benoit is innocent.  This is truly a tragedy and I am not condoning deaths of the three parties involved at all.  There are just things that still don’t make sense to me.  Perhaps I never wanted to believe it!  Fair enough, but the whole thing doesn’t sit right with me, never has, and never will.
   I am open to comments but please be respectful.  Benoit was one of my favorites and the tragedy that occurred absolutely breaks my heart.  Don’t go calling me a murderer supporter or anything like that!  Despite whatever did happen, you can’t remove him from wrestling history.  I understand not promoting him but he did exist.  He wasn’t a figment of our collective imaginations.  Do I understand him never getting into any wrestling Hall of Fame?  Yes, I do!  I’m not saying that what he did in the ring should overshadow real life, but the fact of the matter is, he was one of the greatest wrestlers of all time.  No one can deny it! 

   Think about the OJ verdict!  Because OJ was never charged as guilty of the murder of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ron Goldman, people feel he still deserves his Hall of Fame spot in the NFL; even though there is a lot more evidence that OJ was guilty than Benoit was, in my opinion!  Hell, OJ wrote a book basically telling the world he did it, in so many words.  Also, I know there are conspiracy theorists about this as well.  My point is, that I don’t think everyone has examined all of the facts concerning Chris Benoit.  I for damn sure don’t think the police examined all the facts!  People were quick to jump to conclusions, despite not everything making complete sense.  I’m also not judging those who sincerely believe he did it.  That’s your perspective and I respect it.

   Before I get further into this, let me quickly discuss Chris Benoit, the wrestler.  Let’s take real life out of the equation for a second.  For instance, I still somewhat believe Michael Jackson was innocent.  Even if I thought he was guilty, it doesn’t change the fact that I loved his music.  In the same tone, I think Kanye West is a douche bag but that’s not why I dislike his music.  I just don’t like it!  In recent news, I in no way condone what Kevin Spacey has been accused of.  I also completely understand him being written out of House of Cards.  By the way, I’m glad they just cut ties with him and decided to finish the series in his absence.  Regardless, even if I may look at him in a different light, does that mean I have to all of a sudden hate his past acting performances? 

   Again, I don’t want to come off as celebrating the guy but I feel like it’s necessary for me to talk about him as a wrestler.  Not the man, Chris Benoit, but the wrestling character Chris Benoit.  As far as ring technicians, he was one of the best ever.  Despite his limited mic skills, his intensity more than made up for it.  I’ve been a wrestling fan my entire life so I remember his days in Japan as Wild Pegasus.  He did great work in ECW as one of the original Triple Threat members, along with Dean Malenko and Shane Douglass.  His match with Sabu was nuts and after breaking the man’s neck, that’s what gave him the nickname “The Crippler.” 

   In WCW, he did some pretty great things.  He was almost immediately named a member of the elite Four Horsemen.  I thought the version of Benoit, Pillman, Flair, and Anderson was a pretty good incarnation of the group.  He won every major Championship there.  He was a multiple time United States Champion, World Television Champion, and had several Tag Team Title reigns with different partners.  His best of seven series with Booker T for the TV Title was incredible!  On his last day with the company, they finally gave him the World Heavyweight Title.  He took on Bret Hart in a match honoring the late Owen Hart, which brought tears to my eyes.  His intense feud with Kevin Sullivan led to life imitating art, as Sullivan’s estranged wife Nancy, known as Woman, became involved with Benoit and eventually those two were married.  I’ll get to Kevin Sullivan a little later on.

   Benoit also had a tremendous WWE debut.  There was a mass exodus from WCW in January of 2000 and four of those men were Chris Benoit, Eddie Guerrero, Dean Malenko, and Perry Saturn.  They made their debut on Raw, watching the event as audience members.  After getting into it with Degeneration X, they became known as the Radicals.  An early injury to Guerrero led them into different directions.  Benoit quickly found himself in the Intercontinental Championship picture and won the Title at WrestleMania that year.  He went on to hold the Intercontinental and United States Titles several times over in the next seven years. 

   Benoit had great matches with the likes of Kurt Angle, Booker T, Chris Jericho, etc.  He had main event matches against The Rock, Triple H, and Stone Cold Steve Austin.  His match for the World Title against Kurt Angle at the 2003 Royal Rumble got a standing ovation.  The following year, he won the Royal Rumble by going the distance from number one and unlike Shawn Michaels, the Rumble match that Benoit participated in had full two-minute intervals, as opposed to one.  He went on to defeat Triple H and Shawn Michaels in the main event of WrestleMania XX.  His celebration with best friend Eddie Guerrero didn’t leave a dry eye in the building.  I’m sorry, if you watch that moment and don’t shed a tear, you’re not human!  However, now it makes me cry for a different reason, in that they’re both gone.  We all cried with him when Eddie Guerrero passed away.

   MVP was a made man after his series of matches with Benoit.  Benoit even revisited his best-of series with Booker T.  In April of 2007, he was drafted to the ECW brand and was set to compete for the vacant ECW Championship against CM Punk, which would have been an incredible match.  However, he did not make it to the arena, and the grizzly turn of events would soon develop over the next day or so.  The wrestling world was devastated when news broke that Benoit, Nancy, and their son Daniel were found dead in their home.  Reacting before knowing the full details, Vince McMahon and the WWE did the right thing in my opinion by putting out a tribute show.  Unfortunately, the heartbreaking details started to come out during the show and soon WWE was met with a series of negative attention and scrutiny.  This incident almost single handedly destroyed professional wrestling as a whole.  It was reported that over the course of three days, Benoit killed his wife Nancy, his son Daniel, and himself in their Georgia home.  Here’s where things get complicated! 

   I hate to say it and I feel like a horrible person for even thinking it, but my first immediate response was that Kevin Sullivan did it.  That lasted only a few hours, though.  I think based on the way things went down in the past between Sullivan and Nancy, with Benoit pretty much taking her away from him, there was motive.  I don’t think that necessarily means motive enough to commit homicide.  I mean no disrespect to Kevin Sullivan but it was just my reaction at the time.  I don’t think that now!  Although, it was odd that this day happened to be the anniversary of Kevin and Nancy’s divorce.  Kevin is also a known Satan worshiper. 

   There are so many things that don’t add up about this.  The conversations between Benoit and Chavo Guerrero were odd.  There was a point when police informed the public that the entire thing happened over a three-day period starting on a Friday.  Chavo spoke to Chris on Friday night and some time during the conversation, there was a knock at the door.  When Benoit answered the door, there was an apparent scuffle heard and then the line went dead.  Chris would then communicate through his cell phone.  Police reports said there was no forced entry so it’s entirely possible that if Chris was innocent, he may have let the one responsible in. 

   When Chavo reached Chris on his cell phone, he said Chris sounded tired and groggy.  He also said “I love you, Chavo,” which seemed forced as although they were close, it was not something he would usually say.  Benoit’s cell phone was missing at the time of the investigation and then turned off.  The police also couldn’t find the needles they say he used to inject himself with steroids.  People also need to stop with the whole steroids argument.  If the murders and suicide happened over a three-day period, that’s methodical and not something someone under “roid rage” would do. 

   Although initial reports stated he was hanging from a weight machine, he was actually laying underneath the machine.  A different officer said he was slumped against the machine.  There was a cloth wrapped around Chris’s neck but that doesn’t coincide with an apparent suicide since caring about a bruised neck at that juncture would make no sense.  Also, the weight on the machine was changed from what Benoit was able to bench at 225 to 185.

   According to the medical examiner, Benoit died on Saturday, yet the text messages were sent on Sunday.  If he was already dead, who sent the texts?  Also, no one reportedly spoke to him on Sunday.  It also conflicts with other reports saying that Benoit killed Daniel on Friday, killed Nancy on Saturday, and then himself on Sunday.  Steroids were found in the Benoit home yet not in Chris’s body during the toxicology reports.             

   It was odd for him to text people if he committed the murders.  If no one was there to hear him talk, why not call?  Chris also sent Chavo a text of his address.  Since Chavo already knew it and spent the previous weekend with him, why would Chris send it?  Both the bodies of Chris and Nancy were badly decomposed, which shows he had to have died sooner than Sunday.  When Nancy’s body was found, she was tied up.  With Benoit’s size and strength, that wouldn’t have been necessary.  Other reports came out that Daniel was shot in the head and Nancy was shot in the chest.

   Chavo said Chris sounded worried on the phone but wouldn’t expand upon it.  Reports said that Bibles were placed by Nancy and Daniel’s bodies but not Chris’s.  The fact that Bibles were there at all was odd considering they were atheists.  Toxicology reported no alcohol in Chris’s system, yet there were empty beer cans and wine bottles next to his body.  The toxicology did confirm traces of Hydrocodone, a pain killer, and Xanax, for anti-anxiety.  These two combined would sedate him, which would explain why he sounded groggy to Chavo on the phone.

   The police changed the manner of Daniel’s death three times.  One was from asphyxiation from a garbage bag, another was from a choke hold, and the third was being smothered by a pillow.  The location of Nancy’s body was also changed by the police.  Three different reports stated she was found in the downstairs family room, she was found in the upstairs bedroom, and she was found in the office.  Why one is it?   

   Nancy’s death was posted online, 14 hours before her body was found.  How is that possible?  Chris was reported to be paranoid according to friends, weeks before his death when he started taking alternative routes to work and he was convinced they were being followed.  Unfortunately, these deaths were during the same week of the “Who killed Vince McMahon?” storyline.  Sensational Sherri died seven days prior.  That seemed to be not spoken about much and she had ties to both Nancy and Kevin.   

   The fact that the police changed the reports many times in a short space and that the investigation ended so abruptly, leads me to believe it’s possible that Benoit didn’t do it.  For me, those two factors alone make me question everything, not to mention all these other things that came out.  I don’t think we’ll ever know what really happened.  If there was substantial evidence and non-conflicting reports, I might have believed he was guilty of this heinous act.  Maybe I’m a conspiracy theorist but these are my thoughts on the situation and the different things that were reported from this case.

If you have any further thoughts on this topic, let me know in comments.  Heck, let us all know on The WAR Report podcast, every Tuesday at 7PM EST, brought to you by, the first and only dating site for wrestling fans.  Go to or #askthewarreport.  For TagMeADate members, our Android and Apple apps are vastly approaching so stay tuned!

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