Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Lack of Use For the Macho Man

   In the last two years of his time in the WWF, Randy "Macho Man" Savage was used very sparingly.  His last moment of glory was at WrestleMania VIII when he defeated Ric Flair for the WWF Title.  For most of 1993 and 1994, he was barely used at all!  He appeared in the 1993 Royal Rumble but then he wasn't seen in a wrestling capacity until Survivor Series, and that was only because he was a last minute replacement for Mr. Perfect.  After a quick stint in the 1994 Rumble and a match at WrestleMania X with Crush, Savage wasn't used through the remainder of his time with the company.

   According to rumors, he was looked at as past his prime and they were making way for the "New Generation."  While this era did provide great wrestlers such as Bret Hart, Shawn Michaels, and Razor Ramon, it was the least profitable time period for the WWF.  Savage was 42 at the time but he still had value.  His name recognition was huge still and he would have gladly put over Hart and worked with Michaels.  In my opinion, it was wrong not to use a commodity like the Macho Man.  I get that they were trying to get away from guys like Hulk Hogan and Ultimate Warrior.  However, Savage was arguably a better worker than both and still had it in the ring.  I'd like to show how Savage could have been used at the events they decided not to feature him.  He didn't have to win all the time but just the sheer name value alone would have added to a card. 

   Let's start with WrestleMania IX.  I can possibly get behind him not appearing at King of the Ring or even SummerSlam, but this is WrestleMania for crying out loud!  It was an absolute travesty to leave someone like Randy Savage off the card.  For seven years prior, Savage put on clinics at WrestleMania with the likes of Ric Flair and Ricky Steamboat.  He had epic encounters with Hogan and Warrior.  He had entertaining feuds with Dusty Rhodes and George "The Animal" Steele.  He went the distance against four opponents in one night to win his first WWF World Heavyweight Championship.  

   How in the world can you leave Macho Man out of WrestleMania?  They used him for commentary but not in a match.  It still boggles my mind to this day and especially during that time when I was a kid.  In my world, he would put over Yokozuna at WrestleMania in a #1 contender match while Hogan put over Bret Hart in the main event.  With him being a former "King," it would be nice to see him wrestle at the 1993 King of the Ring.  If not in the tournament, I'd like to see him challenge for the Intercontinental Title and work with Shawn Michaels.  It would have done wonders for the Heartbreak Kid!  Interference by Diesel could lead to Savage being in the corner of Mr. Perfect against Michaels at Summer Slam to counter Diesel.  

   Barring Mr. Perfect leaving the company briefly just before Survivor Series, the plan would still be to keep Savage off due to selling his injury at the hands of Crush.  The difference here is I would have had Crush on Diesel's team in the first place.  It would work out when Savage comes out to replace Perfect and to be on the opposing team of arch nemesis Crush.  After WrestleMania X when Savage defeated Crush, there's still the 1994 King of the Ring and SummerSlam because Savage didn't leave the company until the fall of that year.  In hindsight, had he been a part of these events, he may not have left.  For argument's sake, let's say he still did leave, possibly being upset with how he was used anyway.  At the King of the Ring, I'd have him in the tournament itself.  I'd finish his feud with Crush once and for all in an actual match at SummerSlam where Savage would team with the Headshrinkers against Crush, Yokozuna, and Mr. Fuji.  

   At the end of the day, the whole point of my ramblings is that the WWF didn't know what they had with Savage until he was gone.  I feel he could have been better utilized, or frankly utilized at all!  Id like to know your thoughts!  Do you agree with me that they could have benefited from a name like the Macho Man?  Was his use, or lack there of, perfectly justified?  Inquiring minds want know!

If you have any further thoughts on the situation, let me know in comments.  Heck, let us all know on The WAR Report podcast, every Tuesday at 7PM EST, brought to you by TagMeADate.com, the first and only dating site for wrestling fans.  Go to askthewarreport@gmail.com or #askthewarreport.  For TagMeADate members, our Android and Apple apps are vastly approaching so stay tuned!

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