Thursday, November 9, 2017

Meet the TagMeADate crew!

   Professional wrestling is something that has brought me happiness over the years and being a fan has led some colleagues and I to create, the first and only dating site for wrestling fans.  Here's a little inside look at the minds behind the site.  I'd like you all to meet the Superstars of TagMeADate, past and present!  This is in no particular order as we're all integral parts that is the machine known as TagMeADate.  

First a little bit about myself
   My name is Eric Friedman, the Director of Research and Marketing for the site.  I am one of the 3 original members of the team.  I have known Steve, the owner and creator of TagMeADate, for my entire life so I was excited to be a part of this new adventure.  My writing talent brought me to the table.  We're always at wrestling conventions and events.  I've helped run a few tables and even ran them myself as well.  Even when I go as a fan, I never stop representing TagMeADate!  You can find me at most of the North Carolina conventions.  I also love to cook and enjoy Karaoke from time to time!

Vince Berry
   In addition to the site, we also have a podcast every Tuesday at 7:00PM EST called The WAR Report, with WAR being an acronym for Wrestling and Relationships.  This podcast would not be possible without our host, Vince.  Vince is also the announcer for Northeast Wrestling (NEW).  Vince has a great wrestling voice, and is quite charismatic and funny.  He's the glue that holds the show together.  He'll be able to provide all the latest happenings at NEW as well as TagMeADate.  Vince is all over the place, often hosting Karaoke gigs.  He's also dabbled in running a t-shirt business as well.

Ryan Behringer
   Ryan is affectionately known as our Intern.  He started out helping with research and he's a real go-getter, thus making his nickname of Intern quite fitting!  Ryan always goes above and beyond for us, making sure we're aware of every wrestling related nuance out there.  This Pennsylvanian is a big part of our continued success.  He's always reaching out to wrestlers on social media and helping getting our name out there.

Kat Jaret
   It was a great honor to have Kat become the first female member of the TagMeADate crew.  Kat Jaret is a mother of four and her children are all wrestling fans.  Kat and I go way back, since Middle School on Long Island, NY.  We've always called ourselves the Wolfpack.  Kat has also gone out of her way to help promote TagMeADate.  She started out listening to our podcast, eventually working her way onto the team.  It was important for us to have a female perspective on the show and working for the site.  You can also hear an opinion from Kat's eldest child Autumn from time to time.

Hector "Big Hec" Rodriguez
   Hector Rodriguez, known as Big Hec, was a big part of the early times for TagMeADate.  Big Hec took our marketing to a whole new level and he became our man on the ground at wrestling conventions.  He always made sure our tables looked good, and really knew how to promote us.  His appearances with us are now few and far between as he has been training to become a professional wrestler himself.  You can find him working various independent promotions in the 5 boroughs as Bario Rykers.  Big Hec has also gotten himself a degree and became a dad.  We're all so very proud of what Big Hec has accomplished.  

Stu Lazer
   The late Stu was a truly special individual.  His memories will live on but I just want to tell you about why he was so important to TagMeADate.  Stu was our MVP, our Road Warrior!  He was always helping us with conventions.  He was fearless and made no qualms about approaching every single wrestler he saw to get them on our podcast or promote us.  As a big wrestling fan himself, being a part of this team was true happiness.  We all miss Stu and wouldn't be where we are today without him.

Amanda "KayFabeulous" Raifman
   One of TagMeADate's business partners has been WrestleRumble.  We have collaborated numerous times in the last few years.  Straight from WrestleRumble and into our hearts comes Amanda.  While she still helps with WrestleRumble, she is also a full-fledged member of the TagMeADate crew and can be seen on The WAR Report.  Since joining the team, she has helped us even more, going to signings and conventions on her own, strictly to promote TagMeADate.  This lovely Hawaiian-born, Jewish Canadian has been an asset to the team.

Chris Witcher
   None of this would be possible without Chris, the man behind the site.  Although Steve created the concept of TagMeADate, Chris created the actual site itself and maintains it.  Chris is a busy father or four.  Chris keeps the moving parts going and although you may not see him at conventions or on the podcast, he's so important to the success of TagMeADate.

Stacey Glenwick
   Stacey is the Vice-President of TagMeADate and is the wife of our founder Steve.  Stacey is a driven, no-nonsense woman who has taken TagMeADate to new levels.  If Steve is not around for conventions, Stacey will be there.  She'll go out of her way to make sure people know who we are and what we do.  She's like a sister to me and I have the utmost respect for her.  Stacey and Steve are fantastic parents of two and incredible people to work for.  Stacey is what we refer to as the "First Lady of TagMeADate."

Steve Glenwick
   Of course, this all leads to our fearless leader himself, Steve.  We all owe Steve so much for bringing us aboard and helping make TagMeADate what it has become.  I have known Steve my entire life.  20 plus years ago, we made a promise to each other that we would one day work together and it would be wrestling related.  The most fulfilling thing for me is that we made that dream come true.  Beyond the success of TagMeADate, this was just as important.  TagMeADate is Steve's baby and he'll go to great lengths to make it a success.  Steve is a leading voice on The War Report as well.  Steve is a boss, a friend, and a brother!

Honorable mentions
   There are several people that were also integral to the success of TagMeADate.  We owe a lot to Justin LaBar.  We first met him a few years back and had the honor of being on Chairshot Reality.  Pittsburgh itself was a great help!  Of course, I have to mention Josh Isenberg and Brian Gulish, as well as Sam and Adam Daley.  We also owe a lot to WrestleRumble head Matt Boffo for both helping co-promote, as well as bringing us Amanda.  Mike Lombardi is the owner and promoter of NEW.  Because of him, we have been able to collaborate the two companies on many occasions and each one has been a success.  Of course, one of our main advocates is Charlie Armstrong, who runs Gimmick Tree Entertainment and Modern Vintage Wrestling, among other things.  Charlie has helped us in more ways you can imagine and has given us a platform to succeed.  One of the highest rated segments of The War Report has been Story Time with Charlie.  Charlie is an incredible wrestling entrepreneur and truly believes in TagMeADate.  There are honestly too many people to mention that have helped us along the way.  Special shout out to Josh Lopez and Matt McCool, among many others!

Podcast and Convention Guests
   TagMeADate has been fortunate to have had some greats in the wrestling business on our podcast and sharing tables at conventions.  The very first wrestler to appear on our show, along with the first wrestler to Tweet about is is Dr. Tom Prichard.  We have also had guests such as The Stro, Donovan Dijak, and Maven, who has become a great friend to TagMeADate.  Maven has not only appeared on the show twice, but has shown up to numerous conventions with us.  We've also been fortunate to share a table or two with Robbie E.  We have had several great independent wrestlers on our show, including "The Sexy Beast" Bull Dredd, The Cam-An Connection, and the "One Man Thrillride" Jimmy Preston.  Our latest guest was wrestling podcaster Bin Hamin.  Thank you all for helping TagMeADate become what it is today.

   I hope this gives everyone an insight into the team and what we're all about.  In the end, we're all wrestling fans that want all wrestling fans to find that special Tag Team Soul Mate and turn wrestling night into date night!  
   If you have any questions for us on The War Report, please visit or #askthewarrport and tag @tagmeadate.

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