Saturday, November 25, 2017

My WrestleCade Experiences - Fan vs. Vendor

   For the last six years, WrestleCade has been the wrestling convention to go to.  Yes, some will argue that WrestleCon is superior because it's around WrestleMania weekend in whatever location that event happens to be that year.  But to me, WrestleCade, down in Winston-Salem, NC, is the top! That is mainly due to the professionalism shown by WrestleCade and AML promoter Tracy Myers.  Because TagMeADate has been a vendor at past WrestleCade events, my fellow staff and I have come to know Mr. Myers as a friend.  Of course, it has been co-promoted now with our good pal Charlie Armstrong, a great promoter in his own right.

   I just got back from WrestleCade 2017 and I wanted to share a perspective I have from the convention, both as a vendor and as a fan.  2015 was my first WrestleCade event where I represented the company I work for,, the first and only dating site for wrestling fans.  Along with me was the Vice President and who we refer to as the First Lady of TagMeADate, Stacey Glenwick.  We had the privilege of sharing our table with Rebel, Jamine St. Clair, and Missy Hyatt.  To our left was our good friend Dr. Tom Prichard, whom we had met several months before.  Also to our left was Bill Apter, who is also a friend.  He was kind of enough to write a special message to me and the TagMeADate crew in a copy of his book "Is Wrestling Fixed?  I Didn't Know It Was Broken!"

   Because we were sharing a table with wrestling talent, we were responsible for making sure Rebel got paid and kept her autograph and photo opp sales in tact.  However, we also had our own product to market.  By the time I drove out there, Stacey had already set up our table and it looked great.  I went out of my way to get some give-aways for the guests so I bought about 50 chocolate bars and had individual wrappers made with our company's logo on them, which I brought to the event and proudly displayed them.  

   One of the nice parts about being a vendor was most of the pictures we took with wrestling talent were on the house, since we had a little more time at the beginning to introduce ourselves and get to know them a little.  Also, Stacey already had built up a rapport with several superstars, including Matt Hardy and Booker T.  I also ran into Robert Gibson of the Rock n' Roll Express, whom I had met several months earlier and he remembered me.  A thrill for me was that some of these people knew me by name.  Also, I was honored to have been chopped by Tom Prichard, in a playful way of course!  

   When there was a slight lull, we explored and tried to get as many photos as possible to promote our company.  Some of the other people we met and got pictures with that day were Mr. Kennedy, John Morrison, Justin Gabriel, Joel Gertner, The Blue Meanie, Tatanka, and Jimmy Hart.  We also took another photo with The Stro, who we already knew from a previous event.  We also got to speak with Hacksaw Jim Duggan.  At John Morrison's table, Shelton Benjamin stopped by to say hello and exchange pleasantries.  Even though we were there to promote, I couldn't help being a little starstruck, as my heroes I grew up watching were before my very eyes.  

   2016 was a slightly different story.  TagMeADate was vendor once again.  However, I was on my own this time.  It's a whole different animal doing it by yourself.  I set up the table and made sure everything was perfect.  I also set up a PowerPoint on my laptop displaying all the wrestlers who had helped make TagMeADate a success.  Because I was alone, I had to stay by my table most of the time and wasn't able to walk around and meet some of the wrestlers.  

   Before the convention started, I approached Lanny Poffo, who shared a house with TagMeADate creator Steve Glenwick during WrestleCon in Dallas earlier in the year.  He remembered us so he was more than happy to take a picture.  I also ran into several other people, some of which I met before and others who met different members of my team and remembered us.  I was happy to report our success to Sonjay Dutt, who I had met in Dallas months earlier.  I also spoke with George South, who I met in Raleigh, NC that year.  Both Eddie Edwards and EC3 also asked how business was.  I brought my chocolate bars again.  

   Charlie Armstrong was kind enough to sit some independent talent at my table, to help spread the word.  Doing this alone but not having to take care of another's finances allowed me to take it all in.  Besides promoting TagMeADate as best I could, I couldn't help notice the comradery between the wrestling talent.  These people have traveled together and have known each other for many years.  I remember the late Rowdy Roddy Piper referred to it as the wrestling fraternity.  To see these men and women hug and say hello to each other confirmed why I'm a wrestling fan in the first place!

   This year was different because I went as a fan.  Again, because some of these people worked with TagMeADate before, it made things even more enjoyable.  Tom Prichard was the first person I saw when I walked in and I made a B-line to his table.  He was overjoyed as he recognized me and asked how things were going.  I told him about all the positive things we have done since the last time we saw him.  He was happy for us and proud.  I couldn't ask for more!  I know I'm name-dropping quite a bit, but I do it for two reasons, out of excitement and for the blessings given to my company by these wonderful men and women.
   Without disclosing an amount, let's just say I spent some money.  When there are so many great talents, it's hard not to.  The downside to going as a fan is the sheer amount of people there.  It's a pretty crazy atmosphere and takes a long time to move just two feet.  Four hours may seem like a long time but with the amount of people there, it was over in the blink of an eye.  I met some incredible people today including Dean Malenko, Rosemary, Crazzy Steve, The Boys, Terry Taylor, The Barbarian, Kid Kash, Madison Rayne, Ivelisse, and D-Lo Brown.

   I must say, Molly Holly is one of the sweetest people I have met.  She looked fantastic and it was just a pleasure speaking with her, as she was one of the last of the incredible women of the 1999-2005 era that I met.  Two years ago at a convention featuring Trish Stratus, Lita, Ivory, and Victoria, there was a missing piece of the puzzle and that was Molly.  Another sweetheart was the legendary Madusa.  I have to say, some of these people are incredibly humble and appreciative of their fans.  'Duce was no exception!  She even let me hold the very same Women's Championship belt she once infamously disposed of on live television.  Finally, I spoke with Rachel Ellering, who I think I may be in love with; but I digress.  She told me she thinks of the Authors of Pain as her little brothers.  I told her how proud I was of her as a wrestler and want to see her on WWE TV.  

   The highlight for me had to have been my appearance on The Barber Shop set!  I got to play the role of Shawn Michaels in the famous Rockers breakup scene on The Barber Shop.  I was there along with Marty Jannetty and Brutus "The Barber" Beefcake himself, whose barber sheers I got to hold.  To have grown up in that era and witnessed the heel turn heard 'round the world as a kid, I couldn't pass this up!  You'll go broke at this place with the incredible talent provided.  The only downside besides the people traffic was that one of the wrestlers I prepaid to meet, didn't show up.  Ronnie Garvin was schedule to appear but he was not there.  I was bummed for two reasons, one because I needed a refund and two, I genuinely wanted to meet him.  That's a chance you take with these events.  There were several other no-shows due to various reasons including Butch Reed and Awesome Kong.  Most glaringly missing was Terry Funk.  Unfortunately, I learned that Terry's wife has taken ill and he had to leave.  My thoughts are with the Funk family.

   Overall, I highly recommend the WrestleCade convention, both as a vendor and as a fan.  Both have their ups and downs but the positives completely outweigh the negatives.  One last observation, especially coming from someone who is 5'8, is that these people are gigantic in person.  Even the people who look small on TV are huge!  It's true what they say, they are larger than life performers.  If there is another WrestleCade next year, be sure to check it out.  You won't be disappointed!

If you have any further examples on the situation, let me know in comments.  Heck, let us all know on The WAR Report podcast, every Tuesday at 7PM EST, brought to you by, the first and only dating site for wrestling fans.  Go to or #askthewarreport.  For TagMeADate members, our Android and Apple apps are vastly approaching so stay tuned!

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